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Showing posts from August, 2018

Packing List for Dance Competitions/Performances

Packing for a dance competition can be very stressful.  Trying to make sure you have every accessory for each costume, the correct costumes and shoes, all your make-up, etc. can become overwhelming.  Plus, every time you attend another competition, a new item gets added to the packing list.  Here are a few tips for making your list and what to pack. Tips for making your list Adapt and change your list as you go along. Type up your list easier to make new copies for each competition easily add or remove items from the list easier to read than some handwriting Communicate with other parents on some of the extra stuff they are bringing.  (You probably only need a few trash bags not a few boxes of them.) Get a sturdy container or bag to hold all of it.  A FatMax toolbox, caboodle, toolbox, diaper bag all work well.  The large 31 bags are good for some of it too.  Dreamduffles or a dyi version is great for the costumes and shoes. Garment bags are a must for costumes.  It keeps

Keeping engaged students at the end of the year

Every year I get asked the same questions.  What's next year's theme?  May I use [insert song title] for my solo next year?  What team am I on next year?  May I do [insert dance style] for my solo?  Will I be on team next year?  And every year I respond with the same answers.  Let's finish this year before we talk about next year.  Or talk to me in August.  I know they are excited about the future, and I want them to be.  But, I also need them to stay focused on the present: end of competition season and recital.  And that is the struggle, staying focused on the present.  The start of the year is easy.  Everyone is excited and learning new things and routines.  After winter break, I focus so much on running routines and making sure everything is the best it can be, that I can forget why we are there, because we love to dance. Fun days After a big competition have a fun day for part of practice.  We focus so much on the routines and getting ready to perform, that we forge