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Showing posts from February, 2018

Tips for Dance Competitions/Performances

Every year, thousands of dancers travel to various competitions and performances.  Many are veterans to the competition and performance world and have learned tips and tricks to make it through the craziness of the weekend.  To help those parents and dancers who are new, I asked current and former dancers, parents, and teachers about what tips they would give or what they wish they knew their first few years. From  Dancers Be organized Hang your costumes up and put inside a garment bag.  This will keep them safe, clean, and together.  As our teacher says, "You would rather find your costume in the bottom of a garment bag then run over in the parking lot."  Garment bags lay them out a little nicer than just in a duffel bag. Make two check lists of everything you need to pack: costumes, hair stuff, make-up, shoes, etc.  Use one list to pack at home.  Use the other list to pack when you are leaving the competition.   Remember to double check your bags and car be